Fun LEGO facts

LEGO is the best building toy there is. And there is a lot to learn about this cutest toy in the world. Below are some random facts about LEGO

  • LEGO products are sold in more than 140 countries.
  • The LEGO Club has 5 million members worldwide.
  • On average, every person on earth has 102 LEGO bricks.
  • With a production of 650 million tires in 2014, the LEGO Group is the world's largest tire producer.
  • If you place all the LEGO bricks produced in 2014 one after the other, you will go around the Earth 24 times.
  • You have to build a tower of 40 billion LEGO bricks to reach the moon.
  • When producing LEGO bricks, a margin of error of 2/100 mm is used.
  • A total of 760 billion LEGO parts have been produced throughout the years.
  • In 2014, the LEGO group produced 60 billion elements, which is equivalent to 117,000 elements per minute and 1,960 elements every second.
  • The most produced LEGO element in 2014 is the round 1x1 stud plate. A total of 2 billion of these elements were made. If you count the transparent version, 3.4 billion of these elements have been made.
  • In 2014, 27 billion elements were produced at the Billund plant. That's 3 million per hour and about 52,000 per minute.
  • In 2014, 1.6 million sets were produced per week in Monterrey, Mexico. That's more than 27 billion elements in total.
  • The new warehouse of the LEGO factory in Kladno, Czech Republic, has a capacity of 200 KM of shelf space. That is approximately 360,000 boxes of LEGO elements. The fully automated cranes in this warehouse can move 1,300 boxes per hour.
  • 5 million LEGO Duplo elements are produced every day at the factory in Hungary. If you put these one after the other you have a line of 84 KM.
  • In 2014, a total of 550 million mini figures and mini dolls were produced. If you put these next to each other you have a line of 14,000 KM long.
  • More than 75 million LEGO 2x4 bricks have been produced using production waste.