Children of today. They have no idea how good they have it. At least when it comes to LEGO® video games.
Let me explain it to you.
Imagine a child. His name is Billy. Billy's first experience with LEGO video games was LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Billy is sitting comfortably on the couch. He can't believe his luck as he explores Manhattan as Iron Man or Hulk or Spiderman, with the thought in the back of his mind "I'm sure LEGO video games were easy to enjoy, hahahaha."
Well, don't be so sure about that, you imaginary kid we just imagined.
You sit on a stone throne that cost US a lot of blood, sweat and tears to build. We, who hundreds of years ago, in the late 90s, played thousands of hours of the original LEGO video games. A prehistoric era, when 'intuitive gameplay' sounded as strange as fidget spinners or baking competitions on television.
And you know what, Billy? We found it fantastic . We were more amazed by it than you could ever imagine, with its graphics and games that don't freeze all the time.
Join us to celebrate the 25th anniversary of LEGO Games and get to know three of the most iconic (and infamous) first LEGO video games.