LEGO Serious Play


Build your way to a more successful business – a powerful tool to improve innovation and performance within companies. Convert insights and awareness into commitment and shared goals

The methodology

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology is an innovative process designed to improve innovation and performance within companies. The methodology is based on research showing that this type of practical, focused learning produces a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities. The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology strengthens the reflection process and supports effective dialogue – for everyone in the organization. It is an innovative, experimental process designed to enhance innovation and performance within companies.

The essence

The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology is a guided communication and problem-solving process in which participants are guided through a series of questions, delving deeper into the topic. Each participant builds his or her own LEGO 3D model with specially selected LEGO parts in response to the process supervisor's questions. These 3D models form the basis for group discussion, knowledge exchange, problem solving and decision-making.

It is a technique that improves the problem-solving skills of a group. This methodology requires participants to learn and listen, using their visual, auditory and tactile skills and giving each one a voice. The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology acts as a common language, regardless of culture or position. It is a methodology that requires a well-trained LEGO SERIOUS PLAY process supervisor.

Gaining confidence and committing to a common goal

During the workshop you will build landscape models with LEGO parts, giving them meaning through storytelling and working through different scenarios – a process that strengthens group members' understanding, insights and social bonds as they 'play' together. The methodology guides you to an honest and open exchange of different opinions. The physical and tangible building process allows you to have conversations without fear of hurting anyone's feelings.

A tool for building results

The LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology is based on the belief that everyone can contribute to the discussion, the decisions and the outcome.

The LEGO pieces act as a catalyst: when used to build metaphors, they trigger processes that you were probably not aware of before.

Participants in the workshops develop skills to communicate more effectively, use their imagination better and more often and throw themselves into their work with more confidence, commitment and insights.